We will continue on to the second half of this discussion. In the second half, we will respond to the criticisms by the Sanctuary Church. At the end of this discussion, we will introduce True Father’s words and talk about the general internal attitude we should have about this issue.
9. Was “Cheon Seong Gyeong” falsified? Criticisms about the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk.
During the sermon on July 19, 2015 Hyung Jin Nim criticized the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk that,“Under the leadership of True Mother, the original “Cheon Seong Gyeong” was changed 80%. She also changed the national anthem of CIG, the Family Pledge and the Blessing Vow. She also changed monotheism to a dualism theory (by calling God ‘Heavenly Parent’) …”
1.“Cheon Seong Gyeong” has not been falsified. The “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials and the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk are clearly distinguished and differentiated. They are both important. We cannot compare if one is better than the other. The “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials is treasured and read in each family.
2.Both “Cheon Seong Gyeong”s are True Father’s words. As with the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials, the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk was compiled from the words in the “Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon”. It was not falsified. The ones who started to criticize that the words have been falsified was the UCI group. Their criticism is not based on truth.
3.The “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk emphasizes the importance of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials. The Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials is introduced as being the “Last words for humankind, and the textbook and Teaching Materials that will last for eternity. It must be studied even after you go to the spirit word.” in the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk. (P1449 of “Cheon Seong Gyeong”, p991 of “Pyeong Hwa Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk. These words are included in “Cheon Seong Gyeong” and “Pyeong Hwa Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk because it understands the importance of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials.
4.If there were a need to falsify the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials, it probably would have been collected and disposed. However, this never happened, and the Textbooks and Teaching Materials are used as reference for many publications. As mentioned above, the word that the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials is the “Last words for humanity, and the textbook and Teaching Materials that will last for eternity. It must be studied even after you go to the Spirit word.” are included in the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” and “Pyeong Hwa Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk. The Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials will not be disposed or falsified.
5.The “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials does not include True Father’s words after 2000. After True Father’s Seong Hwa, True Mother organized the words spoken by True Father throughout his entire life, including the words after 2000. Because of this we were able to prevent the division and confusion by sects making their own textbooks, collecting words except the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials and publicize them willfully. In fact, there really were some spiritual sects that were planning to publish collection of words after True Father’s Seong Hwa.
6.True Father has mentioned that, “The ‘Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self’ is the word that has been declared as the fruit of my entire life.” However, it was not included in the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” or the “Pyeong Hwa Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials. The reason why this was included in the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk is to maintain the tradition of words for eternity.
7.Regarding the “Pyeong Hwa Gyeong”, the many speeches True Father has given throughout his life has not been organized. The “Pyeong Hwa Gyeong” of the Holy Scripture is rich in content that includes approximately 180 speeches. The fact that True Father’s speeches declared to humanity have been organized is a great historical accomplishment.
Regarding the “Cham Bumo Gyeong”, the biggest concern of God and humanity is the “True Parents”. The “Cham Bumo Gyeong” includes the accomplishments achieved throughout True Parent’s life. The only way the life long accomplishments can be organized in a structured, conclusive way is after True Father’s Seong Hwa. The only person who can accomplish this is True Mother.
10.Changed the Blessing Vows
During the sermon on July 19, 2015 Hyung Jin Nim criticized that,“Under the leadership of True Mother, the original “Cheon Seong Gyeong” was changed 80%. She also changed the national anthem of CIG, the Family Pledge and the Blessing Vow. She also changed monotheism to dualism (by calling God ‘Heavenly Parent’)…”
The “Blessing Vow” used to be as follows:
1) Do you, as mature men and women who are to consummate the ideal of the creation of God, pledge to become an eternal husband and wife in front of God and True Parents?
2) Do you pledge to become a true husband and wife, and raise your children to live up to the Will of God, and educate them to become responsible leaders in front of the Unification Family, all mankind, and Almighty God?
3) Do you pledge that, centering upon True Parents, you will inherit the tradition of the Unification Family, and pass this proud tradition down to the future generations of the Unification Family and to mankind?
4) Do you pledge that, centering upon the ideal of creation, you will inherit the Will of God and the True Parents, perfect the tradition of the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships, loving the people of the world as God and True Parents do, and ultimately consummate the ideal family which is the building block of the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven?
The following is the present version.
“Do you, as mature men and women who are to consummate the ideal of the creation of Heavenly Parent, pledge to become an eternal husband and wife, inherit the tradition of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and ultimately consummate the ideal family which is the ultimate goal of Cheon Il Guk?”
When you compare the two versions, you will see that the following four points have been summarized briefly into one.
More specifically you will realize that each point has been simplified as, 1) “as mature men and women…pledge to become an eternal husband and wife?” is equal to “as mature men and women who are to consummate the ideal of the creation of Heavenly Parents pledge to become an eternal husband and wife”, 2) “raise your children to live up to the Will of God, and educate them to become responsible leaders in front of the Unification Family, all mankind, and Almighty God?” to “(educate the children to) ultimately consummate the ideal family which is the ultimate goal of Cheon Il Guk?”, 3) “centering upon True Parents, you will inherit the tradition of the Unification Family” to “inherit the tradition of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind”, and 4) ultimately consummate the ideal family which is the building block of the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven?” to “ultimately consummate the ideal family which is the ultimate goal of Cheon Il Guk?”.
From this point of view you can see that the “Blessing Vow” has been revised to meet the victorious foundation after Foundation Day, and that it is an eternal pledge that will be used even after the consummation of “Heaven” that all mankind can understand beyond race, ethnicity and culture.
11.Changed God’s name from “Heavenly Father” to “Heavenly Parent”
As mentioned earlier, during the sermon on July 19, 2015 Hyun Jin Nim criticized the name “Heavenly Parent” by commenting on the “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk that,“Under the leadership of True Mother, the original “Cheon Seong Gyeong” was changed 80%. She also changed the national anthem of CIG, the Family Pledge and the Blessing Vow. She also changed monotheism to dualism (by calling God ‘Heavenly Parent’)…”
During the midnight prayer on January 1, 2010 True Father prayed, “Beloved Heavenly Parent! In order to build Cheon Jeong Gung by unifying the Parents on earth who stand as Your counterparts, and remove all the pain and grief of Heaven….”
“Heavenly Parent” is the name and concept True Father himself uses towards the “one and only God”. It is not dividing Father and Mother, and referring to it separately.
By the way, True Father has spoken about the “human growth” and “goals in life” as follows:
“The entire process of growth we undergo – for example when a baby grows up and then eventually marries– all of this is keyed towards finding our position as a spouse and a parent. The goal is to find that position which allows us to become one body with God. We must understand how human growth is related with God. ” (283-80, 1997.4.8,) (Book 16, Chapter 2, Section 3, 3.1 The Four Great Realm of Heart, p2439, “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials)
True Father speaks about this as the following:
“The creation of human beings shows the renewed development of God Himself in a substantial way.” (225-198, 1992.1.20) (Book 11, Chapter 1, Section 3, 3.2.2, The process of human maturity is reflected in God’s own development, p1660, “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials)
“God too had times when He was like a baby, sibling, spouse and parent, and that is why He created them in this way.” (254-274, 1994.2.15) (Book 11, Chapter 1, Section 3, 3.2.2, The process of human maturity is reflected in God’s own development, p1661, “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks and Teaching Materials)
God was only seen as being “eternally unchanging” and “absolute” in traditional theology, without the concept of “God’s growth”. However as we see in the Bible, Jesus who said that, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30) grew from infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
Needless to say, if life is “the course to search for the position to become one with God”, the wish for God and Jesus was to marry and become humanity’s “True Parent”.
True Father mentioned that Adam and Eve’s wedding is “God’s wedding” as follows:
“Adam and Eve, the horizontal parent, is God’s body, and God the vertical parent is the heart. When the heart and body become one in love, Adam and Eve’s wedding becomes the “body-like” wedding of the parent and the “heart-like” wedding of God at the same time.” (p22, “Family” 1999 January Edition)
“God’s wish to have a substantial body comes true when Adam and Eve perfect themselves with True Love. ….. God can settle in the substantial position as an eternal parent when Adam and Eve become True Parents by bearing good children.” (p29, “Blessed Family and the Ideal Heaven 1”, Japanese Version)
We can see that God’s hope was to become the “Heavenly Parent” as mentioned above, “God can settle in the substantial position as an eternal parent”.
God’s term has been changed to “Heavenly Parent” since Foundation Day 2013. This was possible because True Parents have achieved ultimate unity, and built the victorious foundation of declaring “perfection, completion and conclusion” of the providence.
True Father has referred to God as “the God trapped in loneliness without being able to love”, and “the God that could not reside in His Holy Palace”. However, by completing the responsibility as True Parents, God has been liberated and has become the “Heavenly Parent”.
True Father has spoken about the start of God’s lineage as follows:
“God would have been able to ideally reside in Adam’s body (the substantial body of God) and love Eve, if Adam and Eve had become husband and wife centered on God with True Love. Furthermore, Adam and Eve would have become True Parents, the substantial God, and would have started Good Love, Good Life and Good Lineage.” (p31-32, “Blessed Family and the Ideal Heaven 1”, Japanese Version)
As mentioned on p2344 of “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Eight Textbooks “An ideal family is the family that has completed the four great realms of heart and three great kingships”. If the completion of the three great kingships is the definition of an ideal family, then, this means the “completion of three generations” which consists of, man and woman becoming husband and wife through marriage, becoming parents by bearing children, and becoming grandparents by children bearing grandchildren.
However, as mentioned in the Divine Principle, “the resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit in oneness with God could form only a spiritual trinity. They could fulfill only the mission of spiritual True Parents.” (p268) we see that Jesus lived the “individual course” but never lived the “family course” since he was unable to marry.
So, the path True Parents lived as God’s providence from their “Holy Wedding” on March 16, 1960 (lunar calendar) until the Foundation Day on January 13, 2013 (heavenly calendar) is the “family course” or rather the “cosmic course” for them to grow to become “True Parents”. At the same time, this was a growth period for God to become the “Heavenly Parent.”
“Foundation Day is the day to celebrate God’s wedding and marks the substantial beginning of Cheon Il Guk.” (p1374, “Cheon Seong Gyeong” of the Scripture of Cheon Il Guk) The reason why we call God the “Heavenly Parent” from Foundation Day is because it represents the fulfillment of God’s historical long yearned wish to become a “parent”.
12.Criticisms about changing the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem
During the sermon on July 19, 2015 Hyung Jin Nim criticized that,“Under the leadership of True Mother, the original “Cheon Seong Gyeong” was changed 80%. She also changed the national anthem of CIG, the Family Pledge and the Blessing Vow. She also changed monotheism to dualism (by calling God ‘Heavenly Parent’)…”
True Father has established “Blessing of Glory”, the Holy Song No.3 (the Holy Song No.4 in Japanese version) as the Cheon Il Guk anthem on June 2006. This Holy Song is still present at workshops and services. However, the melody is different for the Korean and Japanese version, which created the trouble of unifying its melody when it was sung in international assemblies. This problem continued for more than 6 years, until the time of True Father’s Seong Hwa. (We still must be careful when singing this song. This is a very sorrowful situation which damage the dignity of the National Anthem)
True Father set the national flower (rose and lily), the national bird (crane), and the national flag when establishing the Cheon Il Guk anthem. The present Cheon Il Guk anthem includes the concept to establish Cheon Il Guk, and the permanent value of freedom, peace, unity and happiness that all humankind wish for. It contains the meaning of honoring True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the prayer that the vision and hope for Cheon Il Guk will be filled in the 5 oceans and 6 continents up to the cosmos. In addition, it is very meaningful in the sense that we can sing vigorously by containing the rose, lily, crane and the national flag representing Cheon Il Guk, with the recognition of the “national anthem”.
The new Cheon Il Guk anthem is made with a unified melody of the Korean and Japanese Holy Song. It is a remarkable song that can be sung vigorously all together and that we can inspire each other, with its lyrics that raises the recognition of the song as the “national anthem”.
13.Changed “Year one of Cheon-gi” to “Year one of Cheon Il Guk”
The people who support the Sanctuary Church has criticized that “The ‘Year one of Cheon-gi’ has been changed to ‘Year one of Cheon Il Guk’ by True Mother in 2013. The many traditions of True Father are being overturned by True Mother.”
1.True Father declared “Year One of Cheon-gi” (Heavenly Foundation) in 2010. True Mother declared “Year One of Cheon Il Guk” (God’s Heavenly Kingdom) on Foundation Day held on January 13, 2013 of the Heavenly Calendar. There are people who criticize True Mother for changing “Year One of Cheon-gi” to “Year One of Cheon Il Guk”. However, we must understand this from a standpoint that Heaven’s providence carried on by True Father was always together with True Mother’s victorious foundation.
2.True Father announced the start of “Cheon-gi” (Heavenly Era) on February 23, 1977 on his birthday. This is also the “Day of Victory on earth”. He has also spoken that: “Today, January 6, 1977 on the lunar calendar is the birthday of myself and my wife. We have celebrated it together also as the year of the historical new era of Cheon-gi. The entire cosmos will celebrate this day. This is a fact. Today Mother is going over her 33rd year; she is now 34. Jesus Christ could not go over the age of 33. He wanted to celebrate his 34th birthday with God, but he could not because of the crucifixion. Now that Mother’s age is going over 34 this year, she is going beyond the level of Jesus’ life of 33 years. Therefore today is an even more momentous day.” (Today in the light of Dispensational History, p545, God’s Will and the World, Japanese Version)
3.True Father declared the “Completed Testament Era” in 1993. Although he counted each year with the “Completed Testament Era”, True Father has spoken as the following on “True Parents Day”:
“Today is the 34th True Parents Day. It is the 33rd anniversary. The number 33 represents completion. It means that today’s True Parents Day is the same age as Jesus. Jesus was supposed to create a family at 33 years old, but was crucified instead.” (p55, “Blessing” 1993 Summer Edition)
A special celebration was held at East Garden, and a ring was given to True Mother.
“We recently celebrated Jesus’s 33rd birthday. So now I am rushing to make a completed world foundation to liberate Jesus by his 43rd birthday with a family.” (p34-35, “Family” 1993 September Edition)
4.True Parents conducted the “Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God” in Cheong Pyeong on January 13, 2001, and declared and counted “Cheon Il Guk”.
“Centering on January 13, 2001 the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony marking the beginning of Cheon Il Guk (the second Holy Wedding ceremony) has been conducted on CIG year one, two and three. True Parents can stand in the position of the King amongst the Cheon Il Guk families, because of this Holy Marriage Blessing. With the True Parents of Cosmic, Heaven and Earth standing in the position of completing the four-position foundation entering Heaven, Heaven’s doors will open and the foundation of unified hearts will be completed. (p59 “Spiritual life in the Era after the coming of Heaven”)
The year 2003 was True Mother’s 60th birthday. On this day, the second Holy Wedding or, the Wedding of God was conducted, as well as the marriage and birth report. This was to have been held if Adam and Eve had not fallen.
5.True Father declared the “Heavenly Calender” and counted the year using “Cheon-gi” on the 43rd “True God’s Day” and the 9th “Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God” on February 14, 2010.
He made a speech that “What was supposed to be completed in 7 years from 1945 to 1952 was prolonged because Christianity and the Cain/Abel nations and religions, together, were against Reverend Moon. January 13, 2013 marks the start of Cheon Il Guk. All education must be completed by the dates of importance in the providence, then everything will be accomplished.” (February 14, 2010)
As mentioned above, True Father has counted the years using “Cheon-gi” (Heavenly Era), “Completed Testament Era”, “Cheon Il Guk Era” and “Cheon-gi” (Heavenly Foundation) with True Mother. However, as he said that “January 13, 2013 marks the start of Cheon Il Guk” we can understand that True Father’s will is to count “Cheon Il Guk” starting from the Foundation day on January 13, 2013 marking the start of “Cheon Il Guk”.
14.There is nowhere in the Bible that mentions the inheritance by woman after the Messiah’s ascension
Sanctuary Church’s supporter Ho Tek Lee criticizes True Mother’s leadership of Blessed Families after True Father’s Seong Hwa that, “There is no where in the Bible that mentions the inheritance by woman after the Messiah’s ascension.”
Valuing “True Mother” is the key to unite with “True Father”
(No one can say, “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:3)
1.Ho Tek Lee, a supporter of the Sanctuary Church, said that, “There is no where in the Bible that mentions the inheritance by woman after the Messiah’s ascension.” He has been criticizing True Mother’s leadership of the Blessed Families after True Father’s Seong Hwa.
However, comments like this come from wrong thinking based on ignorance towards the Bible. The Bible includes the leadership of the “Holy Spirit”, the Spiritual True Mother, leading the followers after Jesus’s crucifixion. It also says that, “No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit”.
2.Before His crucifixion, Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit (Spiritual True Mother) leading the followers after the crucifixion and resurrection, as follows: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever…But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:16-26) In addition, Jesus during his resurrection has said to his disciples that, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) As Jesus has predicted, the Holy Spirit together with Jesus has lead Christians after the Pentecost.
3.As the Principle teaches, the rebirth of Christians is possible through the “Holy Spirit”, the spiritual True Mother. This is why it says in the bible that, “No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit”. (1 Corinthians 1:3) and “He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5)
4.As mentioned, “rebirth” does not happen by True Father alone, but together with True Mother. This is why Jesus gives a warning that, “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” (Matthew 12:31-32) The ones that have experienced the Holy Spirit are given the warning that, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.” (Hebrews 6:4-6)
5.Jesus could not substantially restore a True Mother during his physical life on earth. Therefore, he could not remove the original sin. He started the works of “spiritual rebirth” only with the Holy Spirit (spiritual True Mother) after the crucifixion and resurrection. The New Testament Age ended only with spiritual salvation. However, True Father, the second advent, has substantially restored True Mother, and opened the path to remove the original sin. This is why we are able to welcome the Completed Testament Age. In the Divine Principle there is a thought provoking, meaningful phrase that says, “the Completed Testament Age following the Second Advent of Jesus is the age of the heifer, or the age of the wife. The reason why some spiritual mediums have received the revelation that the present era is the age of a cow or heifer is because we are entering the completion stage.”
15.The criticism about “Only True Mother’s name being engraved in the Blessing Ring for 2013 Foundation Day
Hyung Jin Nim has criticized during the sermon on July 19, 2015 that “We did not know such a thing was happening during the Blessing on 2013 Foundation Day.
Only True Mother’s name is engraved in the blessing ring.
True Father’s name has been removed.” The people of the Sanctuary Church believe that the ring with True Mother’s sign is being “cursed”. They are making orders to take it off and keep it off until the engraved name is removed.
The signature engraved in the ring was for the ring manufacturer to prove the official approval of True Parents. The ring manufacturer commented that, “Around 2007, True Mother has picked this ring and signed it when we asked True Parents to decide the design for the ring. Ever since we have been making the ring with this design. However, in order to compete against other unofficial companies that sell the ring at a cheaper price, we decided to engrave True Mother’s signature to prove its legitimacy since 2013.”
As we see here, True Mother’s signature (the signature given in 2007 when True Parents were selecting the ring’s design) is engraved for the ring company to prove its legitimacy. The criticism that “True Father’s name has been removed” is mistaken. The signature is engraved to prove the legitimacy that this is the ring that True Parents has selected for us.
16.The criticism about “Replacing True Parent’s picture with True Mother’s picture in Han Nam Dong”
Some people from the Sanctuary Church are claiming that, “All the pictures of True arents have been replaced with only True Mother’s pictures.”
One person has posted a picture during Foundation Day in their blog commenting, “Take a look at this picture during a service at the Han Nam Dong House owned by the Moon Family in Seoul, Korea.
If you take a close look at the portrait above In Sup Park, you we see that there is only Hak Ja Han, and Sun Myung Moon is missing. He has been erased.”
This criticism is an irresponsible statement without verification. If you look at the picture of each room in Han Nam Dong, you will see True Parent’s picture in every single room. We need to know the truth to protect ourselves from being swayed by these criticisms.
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17. Criticism regarding the Family Federation logo mark
The unofficial logo is used when the Sanctuary Church followers criticize the Family Federation logo. Comments such as “the sun looks like an unnatural shaped head similar to a goat’s hair and thorn,”, and “the hands do not look like hands, they look more like an animal’s thorn” are being made based on the unofficial logo. This is a criticism without verification.

18.Other Criticisms and points we need to remember
a.True Father speaks about True Mother as the following:
1) “Even if I die, True Mother has the ability to lead the Unification Church, so the time will come when True Mother will give sermons. When this time comes, you must have absolute obedience towards True Mother. Once she decides, the determination to clear up the difficult history of “han” in her own lifetime is stronger for True Mother than me. True Mother has become the owner of cleaning everything up, so if you become a Unification family member who can see the importance of True Mother over me, you will receive much grace.”(p351-352, True Parent’s Life Course 10)
2) “The time has come when you must unify into one centering on True Mother. So even if True Father is gone, True Mother is given the privilege. When True Father is not here, you must think of True Mother. Please understand this, and have the heart to attend True Mother in your hearts instead of me, and give prayers like this. You have loved me until now, but you must love True Mother from now on. Here I declare to the world, and to Heaven and Earth that if I am the first leader, True Mother is the second leader.”(p265-310, November 27, 1994 Selection of True Parent’s words)
There are numerous words like this that speak about the same content. True Father has set True Mother as the second leader. Shouldn’t we have absolute obedience towards True Father’s will? True Father has said that “True Parent is eternal, one and only” and “the Parents of all times”. We feel deep sorrow that in some of the recent comments by the True Children there are ones that go against these words.
b.We must unite with True Mother as the absolute center after True Father’s Seong Hwa.
“There is only one tradition! It is centered on True Father! Don’t be affected by any other person’s words. You must not follow any thing besides the words taught by True Father, and the words about the principle by True Father. Now, centering on True Father, I have set True Mother. When I go to the spirit world, you must absolutely become one with True Mother as the absolute center. The path True Mother must live now must be centered on the words and speeches I have given. There will be no forgiveness if any other words are spoken.”(p68, “Blessing” Summer 1995 Edition)
“As with the time when woman was created centered on Adam, woman will be recreated centered on the Heavenly man. It will be created centered on the one person representing the foundation of perfected women of the world. The person who has done this is True Mother. She followed me, right behind me, all along. (p77, July 1, 1992 “The Absolute Value of True Parents and the Path of Tribal Messiah”)
“From now on, there will be no problems for True Mother alone to live God’s will without True Father. Until now it was not possible for woman to stand as the leader of the providence representing Heaven and Earth. But now centering on the ideal oneness with the parental love, the realm of the liberation of women centering on True Mother has been declared on earth for the first time in history. So even if I am alone I represent True Parents, and even if True Mother is alone, she represents True Parents. (p115-116, March 27, 1990 “The Absolute Value of True Parents and the Path of Tribal Messiah”)
“True Mother is like my (True Father) shadow. Since she is like the shadow that follows me around, I am the substantial subject leader, and True Mother is the object leader. So I am the first founder and True Mother the second founder. Centering on what? Centered on Love.”(p116, May 6, 1990 “The Absolute Value of True Parents and the Path of Tribal Messiah”)
“The time has come when you must unify into one centering on True Mother. So even if True Father is gone, True Mother is given the rights now. When True Father is not here, you must think of True Mother. Please understand this, and have the heart to welcome True Mother in your hearts instead of me, and give prayers like this. You have loved me until now, but you must love True Mother from now on. Here I declare to the world, and to Heaven and Earth that if I am the first leader, True Mother is the second leader.”(p116-117, November 27, 1994 “The Absolute Value of True Parents and the Path of Tribal Messiah”)
“Even if I go to the spirit world, the spiritual and physical world can unify as long as True Mother is alive on earth. I can come and live with True Mother on earth anytime. There are many members in the Unification Church who live like this. They live together. They speak to each other without others even noticing saying, “Which one do you like, honey?” The spouse in the spiritual world will teach you everything. “Be aware for this situation today. A man like this will appear and this will happen.” There are many couples like this. You can live with your spouse on earth even if you go to the spiritual world.”(p117, October 15, 1993 “The Absolute Value of True Parents and the Path of Tribal Messiah”)
As mentioned above, True Father has declared publicly that he will come and live with True Mother after his Seong Hwa. He never spoke about coming to live with True Children. Today we are living at a period where we must unify with True Mother, the one True Father has spoken of that he will come down and live with.
Here I concludes my speech. Thank you very much.
(9)『天聖經』を改竄した? 天一国経典『天聖經』の批判について
御言に、「四大心情圏と三大王権を完成した家庭が、理想的な家庭」(八大教材・教本『天聖經』2344ページ)とあるように、三大王権(三代圏)の完成が理想家庭であるならば、それは、男女が結婚して夫婦となり、子女ができて父母となり、さらにその子女が結婚して孫が生まれ、祖父母となって、その孫の結婚までを含め、真の家庭の 〝三代圏の完成〟を指します。
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「伝統はただ一つ! 真のお父様を中心として! 他の誰かの、どんな話にも影響されてはいけません。先生が教えた御言と先生の原理の御言以外には、どんな話にも従ってはならないのです。今、先生を中心としてお母様を立てました。先生が霊界に行ったならば、お母様(韓鶴子夫人)を絶対中心として、絶対的に一つにならなければなりません。今、お母様が行く道は、お父様が今まで立てた御言と説教集を中心として、行かなければならないのです。他の言葉を述べるのを許しません」(『祝福』1995年夏季号、68ページ)