The Sanctuary Church has been insisting that True Mother has been dismantling True Father’s words and tradition. Whatever True Mother does, they have been denying and opposing. Their insistences deny the victorious realms which True Father and True Mother have been establishing and are destroying the unity of the unification family which is centered on True Parents. The following contents are the clarification of the errors of those who support the statements of the Sanctuary Church. The detailed articles and videos can be found in the website of “True Parents’ Declaration”: (By former “Institute of Church Growth”)
Note:“Blue Letters”indicate True Parents words and the contents announced by FFWPU.“Brown letters”indicate the insistence of the Sanctuary Church supporters.
Hyung Jin Nim has never inherited “the kingship” from True Parents: No.19
1. The ceremony, “The Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation”, was not Hyung Jin Nim’s succession ceremony of the kingship.
The Sanctuary Church supporters have been insisting that Hyung Nim’s family has succeeded “the kingship” of True Parents. The basis of their insistence is “The Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation” which was held on three separate occasions on January 15 in Korea, and January 31, 2009, in Korea and the United States. They insist that it was Hyung Jin Nim’s succession ceremony of the kingship (See the photo).
However, as the title of this ceremony clearly indicates that it was the coronation ceremony of God and True Parents by becoming one heart, one body, one mindset as the King of Kings. It was not Hyung Jin Nim’s succession ceremony of “the kingship”. So far, nobody has ever heard such a story that Hyung Jin Nim succeeded the kingship from True Parents and became “the king”. There is no such fact either. True Parents conducted the coronation ceremony for God as the king by becoming totally one with God.
Centering on True parents who established the kingship, Hyung Jin Nim could attend the ceremony in the position of True Child in the four position foundation of True Family.
Obviously, this was the coronation ceremony of “the Liberation of God” as the king of kings. And the principal actors were God and True Parents in this ceremony. It was not at all the transference or the succession ceremony of the “king’s position” to True children’s generation.
Let us examine the program for the ceremony, the words of MC and “words” of True Father. There was no word which announced that “the kingship to be succeeded to Hyung Jin Nim”. Before starting the ceremony, True Father checked every single word of the MC’s words”, “the program for the ceremony” and True Father’s speech itself. They were carefully checked by True Father himself word for word. True Father precisely guided them to follow his instruction.
True Father stated:
“Ladies and gentlemen, you have all truly received a heavenly blessing. You are participating in the ceremony to launch the providential undertakings governed by the king of kings. You are witnessing with your own eyes the whirlwind of this historic transition point. You received an invitation to attend the coronation of the True Parent, the king of kings on the horizontal level, who will govern all of creation as the physical representative of God, the king of kings on the vertical level. Will you ever again, in your lifetime, have the chance to attend such a historic and significant occasion?”
“Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings”, Jan.15, 2009
“Coronation for the Authority of the Liberation of God, the King of Kings”
Today’s World magazine for January-February 2009, Pp.13
True Father said: “the coronation of the True Parent, the king of kings on the horizontal level, who will govern all of creation as the physical representative of God, the king of kings on the vertical level” .
We have to understand that that was the coronation ceremony of God and True Parents who are standing in the position of the embodiment of God. True Father was clearly speaking about the significance of this ceremony. Nevertheless, if somebody insists that this was the succession ceremony of the kingship of a True Child, then, it distorts the fact. And also it is totally false interpretation.
As the photo indicates, the crowns of Hyung Jin Nim’s couple were at the most in the level of “coronet” of prince and “tiara” of princes. It was hard to say that it was the crown of “the king of kings”.
Some people insist that the Blessing prayer of True Parents indicates “the succession of Kingship”. Nevertheless, this is also false interpretation. In Father’s Blessing prayer, you cannot find even a single word which says that “the kingship to be succeeded to Hyung Jin Nim”. The following contents are the quote from Today’s World magazine which describes “Father’s blessing prayers over Hyung jin nim and Yeon Ah Nim”.
Father’s Blessing Prayers over Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim
January 15, 2009 Coronation at Cheon Jeong Gung museum in Korea
“On the occasion of the coronation that firmly establishes the realm of the Sabbath of the Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, we hereby bequeath True Parents’ blessing. Aju”.
January 31 Coronation at Cheon Jeong Gung museum in Korea
“Based on the authority of the unity between this couple and God who moves heaven and earth, may God’s unlimited blessing be with the advancement of their victory. We bless you. Aju”.
January 31 Coronation at the Manhattan Center in New York
“At this coronation of God, which is spurring progress toward the unification of heaven and earth, we declare before God and in the name of True Parents that through these two beloved children becoming (in the actual arena of life) one with the word that we have prepared in order to establish the tradition for them, they will become a husband and wife who can serve as an example before all people and before heaven and earth, become a true couple whom the generations to come will cherish and become the embodiments of the representative word that is establishing the tradition of the people of the world who are receiving the new blessing. Aju. Aju. Aju!”
Today’s World magazine for January-February 2009, Pp.15
Now, let us examine the words of MC
[Word MC]
Now, True Parents are entering the hall to officiate the coronation ceremony of the King of Kings standing in the position as the embodiment of God. Following them, Hyung Jin Nim’s couple, International president of the FFWPU, is entering the hall. And ten grandchildren are following after them. The realm of three generations is entering the hall uniting into one. Telling the beginning of the new era of human history, in this amazing time, they are entering the hall for the Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings. As husband and wife (True Parents) are expressing the deepest gratitude to Heavenly Parents. Let us welcome them with warm acclamation. (True Parents have seated to the throne. And then, Hyung Jin Nim’s couple is kneeling down and offering bows).
Hyung Jin Nim’s couple is bowing to Heavenly Parents and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
(True Parents are bestowing the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong).
The king of peace, True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are bestowing “the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong” to Hyung Jin Nim’s couple, the International president of the FFWPU, who represents all mankind. And then, True Parents offers the blessing prayer.
True Parents Blessing Prayer
“On the occasion of the coronation that firmly establishes the realm of the Sabbath of the Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, we hereby bequeath True Parents’ blessing. Aju”.
[Words of MC]
Now is the time to present treasures and the scepter (to True Parents). Representing us, Shin Chul Nim is presenting the scepter to True Parents. He is the elder son of the Family of Heung Jin Nim, the supreme commander in the spiritual world,
(End of dictation translated from video).
As can be seen in the series of events, when True Parents bestowed “the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong” to all mankind, Hyung Jin Nim’s couple, as the representative of all mankind, was bestowed it and received the blessing prayer. However, it did not mean that Hyung Jin Nim became a king succeeding the kingship through that blessing prayer of True Parents. That blessing prayer of True Parents was for the bestowal of “the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong” to all mankind. Father said in his blessing prayer, “we hereby bequeath True Parents’ blessing. Ajyu” . There was no content in this prayer which indicates the bestowal of the kingship to Hyung Jin Nim’s couple at all.
In this connection, the official name of Cheon Il Guk (here after, CIG) is the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity. This is the Nation of Peace and Unity in the Cosmos (spirit world and physical world). And the center of CIG is God and True Parents, king of kings. Not only True Father but also True Mother will go to the spirit world someday. However, God and True Parents are the eternal center of the Heavenly Kingdom. Once, Hyung Jin Nim also said, “There will be only one set of True Parents forever”, “Even True children cannot become True Parents”.
True Father said:
“There will never be a second set of True Parents. The True Parents are eternally only one; they are absolutely one”. (309-167, 1999.5.1)
The Holy Scripture of CIG, Cheon Seong Gyeong P255
In the same year of the ceremony, “Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings”, on November 14, 2009, Hyung Jin Nim was asked by True Father to speak the following message to the Unification members, “If I (Hyung Jin Nim) deny True Parents, and do not follow them (True Parents), you (unificationists) must not follow me”.
Hyung Jin Nim: “If I deny True Parents, you must not follow me.”,
When we talk about True Parents, it does not mean only True Father but also True Mother. It means if Hyung Jin Nim denies True Mother, and does not follow her, we must not follow him. So far, Hyung Jin Nim has been denying True Mother, and not following her. It means we should not follow him.
True Father asked Hyung Jin Nim particularly to talk about this with the unification community, with all the brothers and sisters. Probably, True Father could foresee the possibility of Hyung Jin Nim’s current situation.
2.The False Statements of those who say, “If you do not follow the new king, you will go to Hell”.
As mentioned above, there is no fact that Hyung Jin Nim has succeeded the kingship. Therefore, Hyung Jin Nim has not become “a new king”.
On January 17, (two days after the above ceremony), Hyung Jin Nim delivered a sermon in which he himself clearly denied his kingship.
Hung Jin Nim said:
“What we want to be very clear, there is no new king, I said that from the very beginning when I was inaugurated as an international president, I said there is no new king, I’m not the new king, don’t even expect it, and don’t ask me to do it, I’m not it, so there is no king. What is very clear for us is that True Parents are the eternal kings, they’re the eternal center. Theologically that’s very important to maintain, and since I studied theology, it is very important theologically that there won’t be any future kings…True Parents are the eternal center. Theologically it’s very critical”.
“Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings” Hyung Jin Moon, January 17, 2009
Nevertheless, the Sanctuary Church supporters insist, “Hyung Jin Nim has succeeded the kingship”, “Since then you should obey the new king”.” If not, you shall go to hell” .
By saying so, they are frightening people and causing confusion. God and True Parents are the eternal center of CIG. The purpose of God and True Parents is neither to judge people nor bring them to hell. God and True parents want save all mankind without exception. Therefore, what Sanctuary Church supporter have been doing is contrary to the intention of True Parents who are desperately yearning to save all mankind.
By the way, some of the Sanctuary Church supporters insist that Kook Jin Nim bestowed the kingship to Hyung Jin Nim. According to the Divine Principle, is it possible for Kook Jin Nim to bestow the kingship to Hyung Jin Nim?
As the Divine Principle describes, Cain and Abel were the offspring of Adam, the embodiment of both good and evil. And Abel simply represented Adam. Therefore the Exposition of Divine Principle explains:
“Had they (Cain and Abel) unshackled themselves from Satan’s chains by fulfilling the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature, then Adam, their father, also could have separated from Satan and stood upon the foundation of substance” .
Exposition of the Divine Principle P197
In the providence of restoration, Cain and Abel stand in the position as the representative of Adam. Centering on Abel who is standing in the position as the representative of Adam, Cain had to yield to Abel and unite with him. Only through this way, the indemnity condition had to be fulfilled. Providentially speaking, it has no meaning to unite with Abel who is not standing in the position as the representative of Adam.
Now is the era of the realm in which True Parents are standing in the position of the first human ancestor. Winning the victory in the providence of restoration, True Parents are standing in the fixed point.
True Father said, “The time of True Parents comes at one fixed point in history”.
He said:
“The coming of the True Parents of humankind is the hope of history, the nation, and the providence. Therefore, the time of True Parents comes at one fixed point in history, a period of time that has never existed before and will never exist again. If we think in terms of the eternal world, our life on earth lasts about as long as the time it takes to take a breath”.
The Eight Text Books; Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book (Jap. P.300)
True Parents comes at one fixed point in history, a period of time that has never existed before and will never exist again. That is the eternal center of the history. We should not forget about it. Under such situation, True children are standing in the position to inherit True Parents victorious realm. That is the very reason why the kingship has to be bestowed from God and True Parents.
Indeed, in the restoration providence, the unity between Cain and Abel can become the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature, but not “bestowal of the kingship”. At the most, it can only become the restoration of right of the elder son. According to True Father’s word, mother-son cooperation is indispensable for the unity between Cain and Able.
On April 6, 2008, on the occasion of the 49th True Parents’ Day in Hawaii, True Father made True Children (Hyun Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim) stand in front of him.
And he said:
“As Cain and Abel, you should obey True Mother’s word absolutely….You should not fight and separate between you brothers….That was the main cause to kill their parents”. (Japanese monthly magazine “‘Family’ June 2008, P30)
(See the photo)

The 49th True Parents’ Day, Appril6, 2008, Hawaii
Among True Children, who is obeying True Mother’s word absolutely, based on the above speech of True Father? Female True children also should unite with True Mother. The foot prints of True Parents show us that they have come through eight stages vertically and horizontally. After restoring the right of elder son, they restored
the right of parents. True Parents have won the kingship based on those foundations.
By the same token, if Hyung Jin Nim wished to stand in the position to get the kingship, prior to get it, he should have to stand in the position restoring the right of elder son and the right of parents. Let us ask him a question how he could restore those contents.
Currently, what Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim have been doing is in accordance with neither True Parents word nor the Divine Principle. True Father asked Hyung Jin particularly to talk about this with the community, with all the brothers and sisters that week. Hyung Jin Nim said, “If I deny True Parents, you unification family must not follow me”. We should be reminded of True Father’s instruction.